In November of 2013 Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych rejected the agreement for a political association and trade agreement with the European Union that had been overwhelmingly passed by the Ukrainian parliament. Instead he opted for closer ties with Russia. Many Ukrainians were also upset with the lopsided favoring of the eastern provinces and the widespread corruption attributed to the “Yanukovych Families” that raided thousands of companies and extorted payments.A huge protest centered in Kyiv against the Azarov (prime minister) government.
On February 22 of 2014 the Ukrainian parliament, including Azarov himself voted to remove Yanukovich on the grounds that he had neglected his constitutional duties. At the time Barack Obama was President, and Hilary Clinton was Secretary of State. Two days later a warrant was issued for Yanukovich’s arrest. He fled to Russia. A provisional government was formed and elections were eventually held. Russia did not recognize any of these governments.
In late February Russia seized Crimea, which had been ceded to Ukraine in 1994, and surreptitiously sent troops in plain uniforms to fight in the eastern provinces.A low-scale war continued in that area until Ukrainian troops withdrew in February 2015. The situation was more or less “frozen” from that time until Russia launched an invasion on February 24. 2022.
Wolodymyr Zelensky was still president in 2024.
Meanwhile, Volodymyr Zelensky, a big star on Ukrainian television and something of a media mogul, became the sixth president of Ukraine on May 20, 2019, with 73.23 percent of the vote in the second round. For the next year or so he was learning the ropes of the job that he had only pretended to hold on a television show.
Rudy Giuliani had used up all of his good will by 2024.
Meanwhile Trump had dispatched “operatives” to go to Ukraine dig up dirt on, of all people, the surviving son of his opponent in the 2020 election, Hunter.1 Congress had appropriated $400 million in military aid for Ukraine, but it was not immediately sent. On July 25 Trump had a phone call with Zelensky2. Trump asked for a “favor”. He wanted assurance that Zelensky would help Rudy Giuliani and Bill Barr in their investigations in Ukraine. Zelensky described how he intended to reform his company’s prosecutorial functions. A couple of hours after the call the Pentagon was told ny the budget office not to release the aid.
The administration’s activities were not widely known until September, when an anonymous “whistleblower” complained that Trump was using his executive powers to coerce a foreign country into intervening in the election. Several administration officials said that Trump had expressly asked them to use the aid money to persuade Zelensky to announce an official investigation into Biden’s role and the hacking of the servers of the Democratic National Committee.
Mick Mulvaney took a job at CBS om 2022.
The House of Representative launched investigations of whether Trump had abused his authority. The administration did not cooperate, but on October 17, Trump’s chief of staff Mick Mulvaney said in response to a reporter’s allegation of quid pro quo, “We do that all the time with foreign policy. Get over it.” Several current and former administration officials likewise testified that a great deal of effort was being directed toward foreign countries with the apparent goal of denigrating Biden or the evidence that Russia had tried to influence the election in Trump’s favor.
Two charges were leveled: abuse of power (including bribery and wire fraud) and obstruction of Congress. The votes in the committees and the House as a whole were almost completely along party lines.
Mitch McConnell froze up a few times in 2024.
The Senate at the time was controlled by the Republicans. Mitch McConnell said that the trial of the president was a political event, and he would not act as an impartial juror. He also would not allow any testimony or presentation of documentary evidence. Mitt Romney voted in favor of the abuse of power charge. Otherwise, voting was along party lines. Trump was acquitted.
1. I don’t think like a Republican, and so I cannot explain what they hoped to find. It mystifies me that they thought that something that the 50-year-old Hunter did would be so heinous that Biden’s supporters would abandon him and turn to Trump, not exactly the patron saint of family relations. Hunter was convicted in 2024 of—get this!—lying on an application for a pistol that he kept for eleven days. Biden had another son, Beau, who died of brain cancer in 2015.
2. CNN has posted a “transcript” of this conversation here. It is not the “perfect” call that Trump described, but neither is there an obvious “quid pro quo” unless you remember what “favor” really means from Don Corleone’s use of the word. Although Zelensky has said that he did not feel pressured, he surely knew about the $400 million that Congress had passed but the Pentagon had never delivered.
Deciding how to approach this subject was very difficult. Just listing the events of early January of 2021 would be one possibility, but the period was so bizarre and such a unique moment in American history that it seemed necessary to supply a good deal of context. At the center was, of course, Donald J. Trump. Almost half of the country considered him a great president, if not the second coming of Christ. The rest of us looked at his very well-documented history and recognized a spoiled rotten, lying, cheating, cowardly, philandering, racist, misogynistic, selfish, godless, bullying criminal whose only association with any government should be in the confines of the penal system.
The first group was apparently convinced (or let themselves believe) that the election had been rigged or stolen or some combination of both. How did they come to this conclusion? I don’t know. All of their lawsuits (save one) were dismissed out of hand even by judges that Trump had appointed. Perhaps they were prompted by Trump’s continued insistence over the preceding few months that the only way that he could lose was if the election was rigged. Some were probably swept away by the enthusiastic reception he got at his carefully staged rallies. Some may have been persuaded by Fox “News” and other media outlets that served as megaphones and echo chambers for his claims. Some may have been persuaded by their pastors that the preservation of the (white) Christian religion required that this psychopathic narcissist be elected.
Trump himself set the stage for this. He has always called himself a winner. He started his business with his nine-figure inheritance, but his whole “empire” was on the verge of bankruptcy. Many of his companies ended in abject failure. His TV show won a few Emmys, but they lost in the last few years to The Great Race because, according to him, the elections were rigged.
Hilary Clinton got three million more votes than he did in 2016. He never accepted this fact even though his hand-picked people could find no evidence whatever to support his oft-repeated repeated lie that he had somehow won the popular vote. To the best of my knowledge he has never admitted that he made a mistake or even a questionable decision. Everything that he does is as “perfect” as the phone call that he made to Volodymyr Zelensky on July 25, 2019.1
To me he was a dangerous and evil person. Fortunately he was not very smart, and he was stunningly ignorant.
Loeffler and Warnock.
Georgia: Most eyes were on the runoff election on January 5 for the two U.S. Senate Seats. Rev. Raphael Warnock was challenging the incumbent Republican, Kelly Loeffler (who had been appointed by the governor), and Jon Ossoff faced off against the incumbent Republican David Perdue. The polls showed indicated that both races would be too close to call.
Ossoff and Perdue.
Trump traveled to Georgia and held a few rallies, but he did not really promote either Republican candidate or even attack the Democrats. Instead he insisted without any evidence that he had been cheated, both in Georgia and in the other “swing” states. The people that he mostly attacked were two Republicans, Governor Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. He also called on both of them to resign.
Trump had telephoned Raffensperger on January 2. He urged him to use any means he could to overturn the election in Georgia. Raffensperger recorded the call. Trump’s exact words were “What I want to do is this. I just want to find, uh, 11,780 votes, which is one more than [the 11,779 vote margin of defeat] we have, because we won the state.” He also phoned officials in at least two other states to urge them commit election fraud and overturn the authenticated results.
The two attorneys who had crafted and presented many of Trump’s losing lawsuits, Sidney Powell (a woman) and Lin Wood (a man) held a rally in Alpharetta, GA, in which they encouraged Republicans not to vote in the runoff election! Perhaps some Republicans were persuaded. In any rate both Warnock and Ossoff were elected on January 5. So, after the two winners took their oaths of office, Congress contained fifty senators from each party.
January 6: While most Democrats were celebrating the victories in Georgia and fashioning their legislative agenda, Trump and his minions focused their attention on a ceremony that always occurred for the Capitol. A joint session of the Congress was scheduled for 1 o’clock on January 6 to receive the electoral counts from the states. The President of the Senate, Vice President Mike Pence would then presumably utter the words that made the election official: “The announcement of the state of the vote by the president of the Senate shall be deemed a sufficient declaration of the persons elected president and vice president of the United States.” This ritual had been performed after each election. When it was implemented in the eighteenth century it took days to get from some states, where the votes had been counted and the electors chosen, to arrive at the capital. As long as one candidate had a majority of the electors, there had never been any controversy of note.
Trump and/or his minions had long ago targeted this day as the final step2 in preventing Biden’s inauguration. Their primary hope was to pressure Mike Pence into refusing to validate the results. The secondary hope was to pressure the states, some of which were controlled by Republicans, to submit an alternate slate of electors who had supported Trump.
Trump had tweeted at 1:42 in the morning on December 19, making reference to an analysis by Peter Navarro3: “Statistically impossible to have lost the 2020 Election. Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!”
National Public Radio posted a timeline of the events of January 6 in and out of Washington. It can be viewed here. It is stunning to read because it makes it very clear that this was an organized and coordinated attempt to thwart the wishes of the people—Trump lost by eight million votes!—and violate the spirit and letter of the law through the deployment of a bunch of deluded fascistic vigilantes.
A rally was scheduled to take place on the Ellipse just south of the White House. Trump addressed the crowd,a large percentage of which were outfitted in camos and military gear, in person. He stood in front of a line of American flags. The White House was visible behind him. He spoke for an hour, which was rather short for him. He emphasized that the election had been stolen from him and that it was up to patriots like those assembled in front of him to fight—a word that he used in one form or another twenty times in the speech—for a just resolution of this outrage.
He concluded his speech just as the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, was convening the joint session. His last words were “We’re going to the Capitol. We’re going to try and give them [Republicans] the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.”
Too far for ‘Ol Bonespurs to walk.
Needless to say, Ol’ Bonespurs had no intention of personally leading his ragamuffin army to the Capitol. Instead he returned to the White House and tweeted. His twenty-five tweets for that day have been archived here.
The plan did not work, but it was almost a disaster. The attack on the Capitol was not repulsed until after 6PM. After many interruptions by right-wing congressmen Pence finally uttered the magic phrase at 3:43 on the morning of January 7. Because of the outlandish lies and the dog-whistle calls for violence Facebook and Twitter both suspended Trump’s accounts.
The articles of impeachment.
On January 11 a single article of impeachment charging Trump with “incitement of insurrection” against the U.S. government and “lawless action at the Capitol” was introduced to the House of Representatives. It was passed two days later with ten Republicans and all the Democrats voting in favor.
Although almost every senator—even Lindsey Graham—had denounced Trump’s attempted coup, the vote in the Senate for conviction on February 13 was 57-43, far short of the 67 votes needed for conviction. Most Republicans argued that even the process of impeachment would do more harm than good and/or that it was not legal to impeach a former president. Few, if any, had much to say about the criminality of Trump’s actions.
Over the next two years almost one thousand people were charged with crimes related to the attempted coup. Hundreds pleaded guilty or were convicted. At least one hundred have been sentenced to prison. Two leaders of the Oath Keepers were convicted of seditious conspiracy. Trump has several times promised to consider pardoning everyone involved in the attempted coup if he is elected president in 2024..
1. The first impeachment of President Trump is described here.
Proud Boys.
2. I had feared that Trump would just not leave. I hypothesized that he would gather together the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers, and others of their ilk and order them to protect him. He might even order members of the armed forces and/or the Secret Service to join him in a coup. I was not a bit sure that the military could be counted on to defend the orderly transition of power after the president, their Commander in Chief, had been calling the election “rigged” (by a party not in power!) for at least six months.
3. Navarro’s training and experience are in economics, not statistics. However, he was never shy about voicing radical opinions beyond his expertise. He was also one of the most vocal advocates of the worthless drug hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19 and disparaged actions endorsed by the public health community.
The year 2020 began with the two major parties facing contrasting challenges:
Zelensky and his principal phone.
The Republicans had only one serious candidate, President Trump, who had just been impeached by the House of Representatives because his telephone call with the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, clearly indicated that he was holding up military aid passed by Congress in hope that Zelensky would do him a political favor first. At that point the Russians had already seized Crimea and had covertly invaded eastern provinces. The party held a few early primaries but called off most of them for lack of interest.
The Democrats, on the other hand, had a large number of candidate, probably too many. The front-runner was Bernie Sanders, the liberal senator from Vermont who was not afraid of being labeled a socialist. The party had eleven so-called debates among the candidates! It also had a large number of heavily contested primaries.
Republicans were expected to toe the line.
The impeachment trial occurred in the Senate from January 22-February 5. The Democrats asked for the ability to call witnesses. 51 Republicans voted this request down. In the end all of the Republican senators voted against the charge of contempt of Congress. Mitt Romney was the only senator to vote in favor of the charge of abuse of power.
On January 14 a “debate” was held among six Democratic contenders in Des Moines, IA. Senators Sanders, Klobuchar, and Warren, Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, the Mayor of South Bend, IN, and someone else participated. I did not watch. I have always found these events too embarrassing to watch.
Popular in Iowa and New Hampshire.
During the impeachment trial the senators all needed to stop campaigning in order to attend. The Iowa caucus on February 3 was a gigantic mess for the Democrats. They tried to use an app, but it malfunctioned. Later they recanvassed and determined that it was a virtual tie between Sanders and Buttigieg.
The New Hampshire primary was on February 11. Sanders and Buttigieg split the eighteen delegates evenly. This was bitter news for Warren, who expected to do well in a neighboring state.
Biden and Clyburn.
For some reason the media decided that the most important primary was in South Carolina, a state in which no Democrat could possibly win at any point in the foreseeable future, on February 29. It turned on the endorsement of Jim Clyburn, the most powerful Democrat in South Carolina, allegedly because Biden promised to appoint a black woman to the Supreme Court if elected. After Biden’s victory in South Carolina, Klobuchar and Buttigieg dropped out and endorsed Biden.
Bloomberg did poorly in the debate.
On March 3, Super Tuesday, Biden won ten states, Sanders won four, and Mayor Mike Bloomberg won American Samoa. Warren and Bloomberg dropped out, leaving only Biden and Sanders as serious candidates. I was astounded and quite disappointed that the best that the party could come up with were two guys who were even older than Trump! He could even claim to be the youthful candidate.
A week later Biden won four fairly large states, and Sanders prevailed only in North Dakota.
Most of the remaining primaries were postponed or, in New York’s case, canceled because of the rapid spread of COVID-19. All of the center-left candidates gave their support to Biden. Not even Senator Warren1 endorsed Sanders.
On June 15 Louis DeJoy became postmaster general. He immediately implemented cost-saving methods including banning overtime and the removal of mail sorting machines. Because of COVID-19 many states began to expand or even require mail-in balloting. On July the Postal Service announce that it would not be able to meet some state deadlines. On August 18 in response to lawsuits from several states DeJoy rolled back his cost-cutting measures, but most of the sorting machines targeted for removal were already gone. On August 21 and 24 DeJoy testifies before the Senate and House that the USPS will do its job. On September a federal judge issued a preliminary injunction prohibiting DeJoy’s changes because they were “politically motivated”.
This guy probably survived the Tulsa rally.
On June 20 Trump held his first rally in Tulsa, OK. Attendance was far short of Trump’s prediction of almost a million. The actual attendance was probably less than ten thousand. Herman Cain was there without a mask. He got COVID-19 there or somewhere else and died on July 31. Despite the rising death count due to the pandemic, Trump continued to hold rallies both indoors and outdoors throughout the summer and fall. God only knows how many of his own followers died because of his election strategy.
Bernie campaigned hard everywhere.
The last primary in the nation was in Connecticut on August 11, the same day that Biden announced that his running mate would be Kamala Harris. Because I had voted by mail a week or so earlier, that did not affect my choice. The options were Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, and Uncommitted. I voted for Uncommitted. Biden got nearly 85 percent of the vote. My candidate got 2.26 percent, which was more than Tulsi Gabbard received. This may have been the least important vote in the history of elections.
The convention started six days later. The Republican show began on August 24. Because of the fact that the results were predetermined and COVID-19 was still rampant, the parties did not really convene. Instead, they both took advantage of the free TV time to put on shows promoting their ideas and people. Of course, the Republicans only had one idea (more of the same) and one exalted person.
I did not watch any portion of either convention. I saw a few clips on Twitter.
On September 1, more than two months before the election, an article on the news website Axios stated that if more Democrats than Republicans voted by mail—as seemed very likely—any results from election night might falsely skew toward a landslide victory by Trump.
It is hard to believe in retrospect, but much of the media attention during the summer was on Black Lives Matter protests concerning police violence and the response from right-wingers. They had better optics than Trump’s ceaseless rallies and Biden’s masked drop-in visits.
On September 18 Ruth Bader Ginsburg died at age 87. She was a remarkable woman, but her refusal to retire during the Obama administration was, to me, unforgivably arrogant. It has exacted a huge cost.
On September 26 Trump nominated federal circuit judge Amy Coney Barrett to succeed Ginsburg on the Supreme Court. At least eight attendees at the nomination ceremony subsequently tested positive for COVID-19.
The New York Times on September 27 published summaries of Trump’s tax returns for fifteen years, in ten of which he paid no income tax. Trump, of course, dismissed the article as “fake news”.
On September 29 the first extremely chaotic presidential debate took place. At least eleven people involved in it got COVID-19. I did not watch, and I did not get COVID-19.
Both Trump and his wife tested positive two days later. The following day Pence and his wife tested positive. Trump was taken to Walter Reed Medical Center where he was treated with dexamethosone and remdesvir, which were not generally available at the time. While still in the hospital he took an unmasked victory lap in his limo. He was released after three days and pronounced himself “immune”, but he was still experiencing coughing fits on October 8.
The second debate was canceled because Trump refused to participate unless it was face-to-face.
Trump began making personal appearances on October 10, and shortly thereafter he started to appear at rallies throughout the country. Biden’s campaign was much more low-key, and Biden almost always wore a mask.
On October 26, a week and a day before the election, the senate confirmed Amy Coney Barrett. One Republican, Susan Collins of Maine, and all Democrats vote against her.
On October 27 the White House science office released a memo that said that “Ending the COVID pandemic” was the greatest accomplishment of Trump’s career. Someone in the White House staff had apparently read a newspaper or listened to the news at some point in the last few months. The statement was quickly withdrawn.
Throughout the summer and the fall Republicans filed lawsuits in many state courts in an attempt to throw out various kinds of ballots or extensions of time periods for voting. This strategy was understandable. For the last three decades whenever the turnout was high, the Republicans had lost, and the demographics had worsened for them considerably. A primary element of their strategy had been to restrict voting in every possible way. On November 1 and 2 a Republican suit to dismiss 127,000 drive-through votes in Harris County, TX, was rejected by the the Texas Supreme Court and a federal judge.
On November 1 and 2 Trump attended ten different rallies in swing states! Since he seldom spoke for less than an hour, I wonder how his handlers got him to all of those places. Pence and the Democrats campaigned a lot less.
On election day, November 3, the voting and counting went smoothly almost everywhere. However, the USPS previously claimed that 300,000 ballots that it had received had not been scanned as delivered. It then disobeyed a court order to search for them.
At 11:20 p,m. Fox News named Biden the winner in Arizona, the first state to flip from the 2016 results. Trump and the Republicans were furious at the network for doing so. They had been painting a picture of a Trump landslide from early returns from early returns that mostly did not count mail-in ballots. This was exactly what the Axios article predicted.
At 2:30 a.m. on November 4 Trump claimed “Frankly, we did win the election.” It was lie #30,001 of his presidency, perhaps the biggest one of all. At 6 p.m. the Associated Press awarded Wisconsin and Michigan to Biden. He therefore needed to win only one of the four remaining states: Georgia, North Carolina, Nevada, and Pennsylvania.
On November 5 a bevy of ludicrous lawsuits by Trump supporters in those states were dismissed while the counting continued.
Rudy Giuliani at the Four Seasons (Total Landscaping).
On November 7 all the major networks reported that Biden won Pennsylvania and therefore the election. The Republican litigation machine, however, was just getting warmed up. It filed more than sixty lawsuits challenging the methods or the results. All but one was rejected; it was a ruling that extended the deadline for receipt of mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania for three days. The effect was negligible.
When all was said2 and done, the election was not a close one. Biden received more than seven million votes than Trump, and the margin in the Electoral College was 84. Of the last four states only North Carolina went into Trump’s column.
So, then President Trump graciously conceded defeat and, like all of his predecessors, participated whole-heartedly in a smooth and seamless transfer of power and responsibility.
Uh, not exactly. Trump, who had also claimed that he had been cheated by a rigged Emmy award system3 and that he had actually won the popular vote in 2016, never conceded defeat. Instead, he insisted that he had been the victim of what he called “The Big Steal”. Several aides later claimed that they heard him say that he would never leave the White House.
He was still there at the end of 2020. A description of the electoral brouhaha of 2021 can be found here.
The other races: The Democrats lost some seats in the House of Representatives, but they still maintained a majority.
The Republicans had controlled the Senate, but the Democrats picked up a few seats, which brought their number up to 48 from 45. The two seats in the state of Georgia remained to be decided in a special runoff election to be held on January 5, 2021. Rev. Raphael Warnock challenged Kelly Loeffler, who had been appointed senator by Governor Brian Kemp in January of 2020. Jon Ossoff vied for the seat that had been held by David Perdue for six years. Since Biden had carried Georgia, it was considered plausible that the Democrats might unseat one or both incumbents. However, Biden’s victory margin was only 17,000 votes.
What a contrast between the two candidates! Loeffler and Perdue were both CEO’s who were accused of using insider information when they both unloaded large quantities of stock just before the market crashed. Warnock was a black pastor, and Ossoff was a Jewish documentary film producer and investigative journalist. No black man had ever been elected to the Senate from a former Confederate state. Both Perdue and Loeffler loudly proclaimed that they had actually won in November, and they called for the resignation of Georgia’s Republican Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger. He told them (and later, Trump) to go pound sand.
The key would be turnout. Republicans did everything they could to suppress the turnout. I joined many others in supporting Stacy Abrams’s Fair Fight campaign to get out the vote. I sent them $100. It worked. Both Warnock and Ossoff won. Warnock defeated Loeffler by more than two percentage points. Ossoff’s margin was smaller, but it exceeded Biden’s margin over Trump.
So, the Senate would consist of fifty Republicans and fifty Democrats. Ties would be broken by the President of the Senate, who was the newly elected Vice-President, Kamala Harris. No one foresaw this outcome.
1. I was hoping that I might at least get a chance to vote for Warren in the primary. She seemed like the only candidate with specific ideas. The other reasons that I liked her were enumerated here.
2. Well, actually a lot more was said and done in the fantasy land of Trump supporters.
3. During the last debate with Hilary Clinton Trump claimed that the presidential election was probably rigged. Clinton replied that he had made the same charge against the Emmy awards. Trump’s “reality” show, The Apprentice, was nominated for four Emmy awards and lost to The Great Race each time. I never saw either show, and for all I know, the results may have been rigged. It certainly would not surprise me if most of the voters hated Trump. Practically everyone who ever dealt with him despised him.