Can you find the killing lead? Continue reading
At Saturday’s bridge game my partner and I were defending a boring 2♦ contract. It was boring because as soon as the dummy came down we realized that our opponents were in the wrong contract. We took three of the first ten tricks, and I was in the lead. Since declarer still had the highest remaining trump, we could not hope to set the contract, but we had a good chance to take five tricks because I still held a trump.
On trick #11 I led the thirteenth club, which the declarer let me win. I was disappointed to see my partner discard the ♥K. This was the two-card finish:
Dummy ♠ 8 ♥ J |
Me ♥ 9 ♦ 7 |
Partner ♠ 9 7 |
Declarer ♠ J ♦ Q |
I spent a few seconds deciding what to do. Can you find the lead that allowed us to take one of the remaining tricks? The answer is below.
The answer is the ♠7!
We called the director to adjudicate my partner’s lead out of turn. The declarer accepted the lead, and I ruffed it.